
I feel strangely detached from the world tonight.

Away from the madness and chaos;

Away from the glitz and glory of bustling cities.

As I lay here on the damp grass,

the rain swept away the sense of disquietude.

I am finding the peal of the thunder rather soothing tonight.

like a long-forgotten song, yet so familiar.

Like yesterday’s dream, everything is starting to fade.

At this moment I am truly happy.

At this moment I am truly free.

As everything merged into the darkness of the night,

I was at peace.

I was at peace with everything I am and everything I will ever be.

A woman at peace with her world.


The frame of her’s

felt like a dungeon,

for a soul who longed for an escape

from the madman’s world.

A Cosmos For The Misfits

Cobble-stoned streets and the spellbound skies.
The night was alluring,
Like a piece of fable was unfolding before us.
Words couldn’t measure the joy of our hearts for we were far from the world we despair.
Soaked in music and laughter we danced into the night.
The night was timeless;
And so were we.
For something inside us didn’t belong to this world.
Something too old to be captured by words;
Something as old as the mountains.
The world was too prosaic,
So we carved out a little piece of the world for ourselves.
A cosmos for us, the misfits.
Longing for an escape,
Chasing down the dreams of that six-year-old.
Longing for life, love, and adventure waiting for us somewhere across the rainbow.
The world would never know
What is it like in our minds for
We had lived a million lives sitting by the window.

Looking out of the window

Looking out of the window-pane
I saw a little girl under the red maple.
Though only a stone cast away;
Yet it seemed like she was lifetime away.
The shimmer of hope lighted up her little brown eyes as she chased down a squirrel down the lane.
She was reaching out for something
that I couldn’t see.

Then came down the storm which made the picture trenchant.
The storm made the window pane shiver.
And that’s when the window showed me a woman so lifeless and dull, like a downfallen land after a war.
The melancholy of life seems to have engulfed her,
For those eyes looked like the tragic sky.
She stood there like a walking corpse staring into the void.
Why does she looks so long-familiar.
I knew her once, I was sure.
With gasp I murmured under my breath “what have I become”.

A Thousand Faces

A thousand faces flashes through my mind ,
When I think of the life I’ve lived and shed.

Those faces tell me tales of life and cities that I’ve never known.
Once they were my companions in this long voyage through time;
But now they’re just broken pieces of memory strangled in my mind.

It’s strange how a part of you that died many moons ago still lives in someone else’s memory.
But with each passing winter
These faces are becoming blur,
As time is playing it’s trick on all of us.

Oh !! These thousand faces
For once they were my companions in this long voyage through time but now there are just broken pieces of my strangled memory.

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